Women as Portrayed in Orientalist Painting (v. 3) (Orientalistes, Les)

Galeri: Medya Çuvalı Sahaf
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Lynne THORNTON Lynne Thornton
Of all the customs and traditions of the daily life of Eastern women, the harem is certainly the most familiar and most misunderstood by the West. Painters travelers, writers, poets gave free rein to their imagination and fantasies around this theme, so that in all the paintings from the early eighteenth century until the 1940s, the reality is mixed intimately with the imaginary.

Besides the theme of odalisques and almées, this book also deals with daily life, family, walk, work in a relaxed and easygoing lifestyle.More than one hundred famous Orientalist painters as well as little known are listed individual monographs.

De toutes les coutumes et traditions de la vie quotidienne des femmes orientales, le harem est certainement le plus familier et le plus méconnu de l'Occident. Of all the customs and traditions of the daily life of Eastern women, the harem is certainly the most familiar and most misunderstood by the West. Les peintres voyageurs, les écrivains, les poètes ont donné libre cours à leurs imagination et fantasmes autour de ce thème, si bien que, dans toutes les peintures, du début du XVIIIe siècle jusqu'aux années 1940, la réalité se mêle intimement à l'imaginaire. Painters travelers, writers, poets gave free rein to their imagination and fantasies around this theme, so that in all the paintings from the early eighteenth century until the 1940s, the reality is mixed intimately with the imaginary.

Outre le thème des odalisques et almées, ce livre traite également la vie quotidienne, en famille, en promenade, au travail, dans la détente et la douceur de vivre. Besides the theme of odalisques and almées, this book also deals with daily life, family, walk, work in a relaxed and easygoing lifestyle. Plus de cent cinquante peintres orientalistes prestigieux aussi bien que peu connus sont répertoriés en monographies individuelles. More than one hundred famous Orientalist painters as well as little known are listed individual monographs.

264 pages 264 pages
250 x 275 mm 250 x 275 mm
230 reproductions 230 reproductions
ISBN 2-86770-011-6 ISBN 2-86770-011-6

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